Start Your Transformation

Monthly Online Coaching

Transformation looks different for everyone, which is why your plan reflects this.

100% custom, done-for-you training and nutrition plans to achieve your goal.


Train & Eat Better

Get more enjoyment and better results out of the time you put in, by following tailored plans that fit like a glove.


Support & Accountability

Having 1-2-1 support can make all the difference. Receive unlimited messaging support and regular check-ins.


Monthly Adjustments

Keep progressing with plans that work around you, and adapt to changes in your body, goals and lifestyle.

Outstanding Results

Pick Your Plan

Billed monthly. Upgrade/downgrade any time.

Client Testimonials

Your Pocket Personal Trainer

Imagine walking into the gym knowing exactly what to do and how to do it.

Get personal-training-style, guided instruction to make sure you perform exercises effectively and safely.


Better Results, Less Time

Say goodbye to inefficient workouts. Receive a workout plan that gets you maximum results in the time you have available.


Fully Custom

Your program targets exactly where you want it to, using the gym equipment you have available.


Stay Motivated

Your training plan can be changed every 4 weeks. No more ‘set and forget’ programs that you get bored of.

Nutrition Made Easy

Recipes so good and easy to follow, it will feel like a diet cheat-code.

Meals For Fat Loss

Meals For Muscle Gain

Reach your goal faster with a delicious, healthy meal plan and nutrition targets tailored to you by a certified nutritionist.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Absolutely! Vco has been designed to accommodate a variety of goals including:

    Getting leaner whilst maintaining strength (weight loss)

    Building strength and muscle (gradual weight gain)

    Rapid fat loss (quick weight loss)

    Gaintenance (maintain weight, gain strength)

    Getting leaner whilst building strength (beginners only/weight loss)

  • Unfortunately not, it is recommended you work with a physiotherapist or chiropractor if you have any injuries prior to signing up to Vco.

  • Your training program can be revamped as often as every 4 weeks. You will be prompted via the in-app messenger when it is time, however if you are happy and progressing then you can stay with the same program for another 4 weeks.

  • It is recommended that you have access to a fully equipped gym. If you have a home gym including a barbell, plates, adjustable bench, adjustable dumbbells and power rack then Vco will work for you.

  • Yes, you must be 18 or over to use Vco.

  • This is personalised based on what is realistic for you. Vco can accommodate whether you want to train 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 times per week.

  • Yes, your nutrition targets are individualised for you by a nutritionist and meals/recipes are generated for you based on those targets. You also have flexibility to swap meals from hundreds of other recipes.

  • There is a huge variety of meal options and can accommodate for dietary preferences (e.g. vegan, vegetarian, pescatarian, paleo etc) and also food sensitivities (dairy, gluten, peanuts, shellfish, soy etc).

  • It is suitable for any gender and any level of training ability. Training and nutrition is fully customised based on you and what you can commit to.

  • This is personalised based on what is realistic for you. Vco can accommodate whether you want to train between 30-70 minutes per workout.

  • Unfortunately not, whether you are prepartum, antepartum or postpartum, it is recommended that you train with a specialist qualified in that area.

  • Yes! Either by signing up to Vco121 or booking one-off calls.

  • The coaching works on a month-to-month basis.

    You can cancel any time by simply messaging ‘Cancel’ within the in-app messenger.

  • Yes you may upgrade to Vco+ or Vco121 and downgrade to Vco as you wish.

  • Vco programming is entirely based around weight training and is designed to maximally improve overall strength, body composition and aesthetics.

    The aim with Vco is to improve technique, confidence and application with weight training.

    If you would like to add your own cardiovascular training that is up to you.